Cat Stevens

See What Love Did To Me

Cat Stevens

My trail is blazing
Smoke overhead
My trail is blazing
Smoke everywhere

I feel amazing
Love, it be rare

I was a strong man
Strong as can be
I was a strong man
Strong as a tree

Come back and see
What love did to me

Just like the wind
My heart's rushing fast
A piece of dust
Too hard to catch

A raging flood
A way to see
A raging flood
Rolling madly

Come back and see
What love did to me

I was a child
Lost in the dark
I was a child
Missing in the dark

A broken arrow
Missing the mark

I tread the night were
Stalking a dream
I place the night were
Stalking a dream

Wake up and see
What love did to me

I was a blindfolded bumblebee
I was a blindfolded bumblebee

And now I see
What God did for me
He made me see life