Of myself I am very aware And beyond that I just don't care A zillion dead in a far away nation Matters less than a crashed relation The value of others is derived only From how much you enjoy their company Call me a cynical egotistic brute But hand on heart You know it's the truth No noble cause is worth dying for Nothing matters when you are no more Beyond all ideals and principles Lies the logic of Neanderthals See no evil Hear no evil Talk no evil And there's no evil No religion No autorestriction Exploit this existence Thy will be done The animal days are still quite near If you wanna see it's all so clear What we don't like we destroy Reptile brains with lethal toys Don't be concerned Don't bother at all Amuse yourselves with Phenobarbitals At the age of 80 in my rocking-chair I don't wanna think that I didn't dare