I'm seeing her tonight, I'm seeing her tonight, Hip Hooray Can you prolong the night, please slow the night, but hurry the day I'll wear a fancy tee, she'll go dance with me, voulez vous? Do I get the door, laugh a little more, how's your food? I'm seeing her tonight; I'm seeing her tonight, what do I say? Hottest in the land, do I hold her hand and lead her away? On the Ferris wheel, do I seal the deal, loop de dee! Oh that girl's so fine, why's she on a date with me? Summer rains and winter winds Can try their best, do anything The evening's young and so am I You can tell the world - I'm seeing her tonight! It's going to take some time, to get to the bottom of this bottle of wine But don't worry because dessert's for free I look into your eyes and I see 2075 You're sitting on our porch with me