
One More Lie


Feelings within deleted with a blink of an eye 
Promise of love terminated just one more lie 

My life fades away and the blood my heavens weep 
Will penetrate my soul 
This thirstiness of grief the lost chance to believe 
My body lost control… 
Sadness To Behold 

Ashes To Ashes Dust To Dirt 

Heart is burden relentless with this stone inside 
My struggle to believe tormented by branding iron of lie 

Ashes to ashes dust to dust 
The new beginning is lie 
From embers to fire from fire to ash 
To believe is dirt and must die 

Ashes to ashes dust to dirt…and the old doctrines will never be heard 

Feelings within deleted, buried deep in the ground 
Belief in love terminated. 
Just one more lie… 

…will penetrate my soul 
This thirstiness of grief 
My body lost control 
Sadness to behold