
The Great Abductor


I have to bear my Monday morning cross like a yoke towers its burden
As I'd trail an engine and the machinist with the sulphur-breath laughter
He's whipping me into the opposite direction
He's whipping me but I would tend to you
But I want tend

They nail my mistakes on me and I make them part of the system
I wear them as my crown of thorns, attach them, archive them
Repeating my mistakes like a stuck turntable
Following the leader this is the task
It seems to me the tyrant-masks are more transparent
It seems to me they're not disturbing in the mass

Honor and morality
For them do not mean anything,
Are easy to annihilate as a tag

I hope these railways will erode,
I feel the machine clogging
it grinds the grain harder more and more

Behind me on wagons
More thousand Monday morning Jesuses follow in screaming
They want to lead, they want to crawl
Till their nails splinter in blood, till the coal chews their bone...
Till the coal chews their bone

They're whipping me into the opposite direction
They're whipping me and I will tend to you

Always slower I drag the gear,
Sinking under the weight I trail
...But I crawl to you
Till the coal chews my bone