Casket Slumber

Disgruntled Sniper

Casket Slumber

Severance pay then discharged.
Go stick your job up your arse.
Can't pay the bills - No food to eat.
No fucking hope to make end's meat.

Blindly gone mad - Deranged.
The mind snaps under the strain.
Dormant madness - Mentally insane.
Death from above to ease my pain.

Latter that night - Riffle in hand.
Returning to work - I have a plan.
Disgruntled sniper - Revenge is sweet.
I'll teach them not to fuck with me!

Human targets - Fresh meat.
Walking corpses -Bullets eat.
Fatal shots! - Reload the gun.
Sniper laughing - Having fun.
Bullets hiding - Victims screaming.
Body's dropping gushing blood.