Casket Of Cassandra

Of Demonic Obsession

Casket Of Cassandra

Many eyes watch close at your peril.
You toy with what is beyond your control.
To love that which is still trapped in its prison of flesh.
Hungry for a soul.

Aching to kill all in its path.
She falls to its hands.

Each step marking its haunted trail.
These hapless victims end their tale.
Left dead at the hands of his bride.
Her soul possessed demonically inside.

Whore! Liar! Hear it cry in your name!
Lay in fear of what surrounds you as you sleep your last.
Though whom you love will fight to protect you,
His foolish blood is now on your filthy hands.

This is the result of demonic obsession,
For now the living shall walk with the dead.
Your futility in ingnoring all the signs and voices
Just can't help you when you are being dragged away,
Screaming from bed.

The eyes still watch.

Night after night the beast creeps closer.
And even light won't be enough to stop it.

No one around to pull you free, as you cringe in shock around you.
All the doors and windows locked,
(All the proof you need is there)
All the walls are caving in,
(But all it wants is you)

Crying tears of grief to drown you, and it's all because of you.
Nameless beast sent from the depths of hell,
Take this girl as your vessel.
Let this place fucking burn to the ground.

It stands in wait, hungry for a soul.

You can't escape your fate.
This is your final dying moment on this fucking earth.

Hungry for a soul...

Now stop and rewind, let's watch again.