I gotta tell you something Be true to yourself, you know? 'Cause if you're true to yourself, you'll be true to the world You can't go on My dad always said that change was inevitable That change was good It moves you forward If nothing changes, nothing changes Losing someone you lvoe is one of the hardest changes in this lifetime It tears you apart, numbs your body as you desperately search for answers (why?) And although we try to save it, sometimes we're left with no choice but to surrender To accept what is, we have to let go of what was And it's hard, and it hurts But we breath in We breath out We hear them in the wind, meet them in our dreams And each day we take new steps to carry on, just as the world does Change makes you question Change paves the road to let go And everything happens in its time Just like the seasons And so we grow Healing isn't linear And the only way out is through To feel (all of it) If there's anything I learned from my dad, it's this Live, don't wait, make it happen You can do it We're not here for long And when it's our time, we leave it all behind All that's left is memories, and out legacy For others to pass on And maybe that's what it's all for To live a life worth passing on