Denial, this is unfair, I sense no pain I’m just lost! You’re asking me for help, I’m unable to hold The whole world My parents inside, and my will is running out I‘m worn out A mirror behind, a graze and it shatters As a brittle sky I fall in the depth of her eyes A sad sketch of mine A sharp turn An easy fall A master stroke All else burnt I barely keep afloat I’m going to blow my top My God As a tear in the sand I’m just an useless man She’ll never be at peace Her soul lost in this morgue A broken doll Perhaps I should give more But my own weight is enough And that’s all! I am deep down in the well Wandering the shores of Hell Only dust The trace is rust My body is gone With wind gust I close my eyes My jaw and fists clenched My God Oh, please, tell me it isn’t true But now I open my eyes The tyrant’s voice again in my ears Breaking my sedative unconsciousness driving me crazy Drowning me out I’m tired of being polite Just swallow all duties you request for me I’m not a child, I’m not my brother I’m broken and you all are to blame You’ve always made poor choices It’s sad your brother is gone You should have helped him, stop chasing visions You, who are always leaving your family aside Look at yourself, you think you’re a real man? Of course not, your brother was I would have preferred you were in the coffin Good men always go away