They took that subtle knife Off of the pendulum Tucked it in between your ribs right under the kidneys You gasped for air But you couldn’t make a sound (Couldn’t make a sound) And your mind is trying to find a door A way to make it out (A way to make it out) So scream loud in the silence Caught in the memories Taking the vision for granted And seeing now that you made it out of the nightmare Everything’s falling to pieces So breathe deep and sleep And like the wound from your side Those tears come pouring out your eyes And you feeling like your going insane There’s got to be some kind of closure Something you can do to stop the suffering Something you can say So scream loud in the silence Caught in the memories Taking the vision for granted And seeing now that you made it out of the nightmare Everything’s falling to pieces So breathe deep and sleep Pull out from the dream Take a deep breath Cause this world aint as crazy as it seems But keep this in mind (Keep this in mind) When you close your eyes You’re only seconds away So scream loud in the silence Caught in the memories Taking the vision for granted And seeing now that you made it out of the nightmare Everything’s falling to pieces So breathe deep and sleep (Scream loud in the silence caught in the memories) Just breathe deep and sleep (Now that you’ve made it out of the nightmare)