While you were out spreading the gospel According to whatever you believed in at the time Her majesty's axemen cameth and closed the hospital The birthplace of out bonny baby Brian Yesterday they took away our bus stop Today they'll try and take our happy home Tomorrow I'll be burned as a witch for playing punk rock You picked a fine time to leave me on my own I know that what you don't know doesn't hurt you And the only time you get homesick's when you get home But while you were out our whole future was in doubt So get your finger out and phone Please phone While joyriders filmed by sky ram and raid and drink and drive Homicidal passers by leave unattended bags outside our home While you were out our whole future was in doubt You better get your finger out phone ! It's simple lift the receiver listen for the dialling tone when your hear that dialling tone pick a number, any number speak to me ! Please phone