Carolyn Arends

Be God's

Carolyn Arends

Don't forget to wear your sweater 
Don't want you to catch a cold 
And please, if you can stand it 
Try to eat your vegetables 
When you're standing on the corner 
Look both ways, wait for the light 
And then take a bigger hand 
And hold on tight 

(Chorus) When you laugh, laugh with your belly 
When you dream, pull out the stops 
Don't take anything for granted 
Give it all you've got 
And when you pray, expect an answer 
And know that you are loved 
Be yourself, be at peace 
Be God's 

Don't forget to read your Bible 
Don't forget that it's all true 
There's a God up in those heavens 
And He even thought of you 
Every road you end up crossing 
As you travel through this life 
Just reach up for His hand 
And hold on tight 


Be yourself, be at peace 
Be God's