Carola Häggkvist

Love isn't love

Carola Häggkvist

Love isn't love

you came into my life 
touched me with sweet sensation. 
One starry night we made it right forever 
you cut me like a knife 
you showed me my destination - 
I thought I knew love but then a true love came my way. 

Love isn't love without this feeling 

It ins't right 
it isn't real at all. 
It's just illusion 
a dream that will tumble and fall. 
Love isn't love when you're not lonely 
In every minute that you stand apart. 
But when he's near you 
you share every beat of his heart. 
He hangs on every word that you say 

Love isn't love if he's not loving this way. 

you made me realise a new kind of satisfaction 

You passed the test 
this is the best love night and day. 
Love isn't love without this feeling 
. . . 
Love isn't love if he's not loving you this way.