Disgusting spirit of cheap victory. Gasped the compelling air of filth and murder. Pollution of mind. The new breed, new fresh blood. Do they still fear the degeneration? Greet the beast...The dead with the devil, is it that bad after all? ....Might hurt a bit but no regret... Roomful of candles and a can of gasoline. Feed the heat and hold on... Interno Wait for Satan Disgusting spirit of sheap victory. Raped the suppressing air of shame and guilt. Pollution of mind. The new breed, new fresh blood. Do they still fear their degeneration? Feed the beast... The deal with the devil, is it that bad after all? ...Might hurt a bit but no redget... Roomful of candles and a can of gasoline. Greet the ehat and hold on. Inferno. Wait for Satan - we can introduce you if you want.