Carnival In Coal

Got Raped

Carnival In Coal

Got raped at the sex-shop - Funny don' you think.
A forty years old mama found pleasure on my prick.
Got raped at the cinema by two young girlies.
Thought I was Di Caprio, tried to sink my Titanic.
Got raped, violently abused, spoiled...
Got raped by a bisexual football team.
My buttocks still remind me that it wasn't a dream.
Everyone gathers to take advantage of me.
Still I pretend not to agree.
In the forest, at the mountain.
On the beach or at the banks counter.
At the swimming pool, in the train.
At the flute lesson.
At the hospital, at the grocer's.
Under the abribus in my own garden, in my bath.
I'm coming across rapers.
Take me, beat me, eat me, bite me.
Do as if I was a toy and bruise my bones.
Force me, suck me, drink me, then leave me.
Leave me for dead alone.
Where there is no gain.
Push me onto the floor, slam me down on the door.
My screams, my whispers.
Ignore it, fuck me in blood and slaver.
Force a tissue into my mouth.
I'm yours, grab my thighs. (saying)
Nah nah nah, nanananah.