"Quel intérêt que de ce monde? J'en aspire à plus...Que sommes nous ? Pièces informes sur un échiquier que nous ne connaissons pas les règles...Craindre ou pas craindre ?" Fear that little light in the apple of my eye when I don't understand how you can be so twisted. Fear that little spark in the apple of my eye when I don't comprehend how you can resist to me. Fear not pain... It will be easy... everything will go fast. I have never been the one to provoke conflict... (I'm such a coward) I have never been the one to provoke pain (Je suis doudouille) I have always been the one to provoke anger (I know you're disappointed) I have always been the one that spoils it all (why don't you leave me?) Fear no pain...And things will go on cause shit happens...It happens everyday of our lives. Leave me we're no good together. You deserve something better Fear not me gone Fear not somewhere else Fear not coldness in my part of the bed Fear not the lack of my arm around your breasts Fear not the problems you can't guess Fear not me gone Fear not me somewhere else And because one day I may leave Fear not the idea of death.