Cadillac So It seems I'm good at nothing, a looser - a bum - or so they say desperately trying to make my way in life but instead I'm diggin my grave. And when I'm about to succeed I know you'll fuck it all up because that's how it goes... that's all. Then I'll go back diggin' deeper or at least that's what you think, but I won't allow you that pleasure, not much left but my pride but it's growing stronger. The more you ask the more I get and you're gonna get more than you ever guessed. And we will see who will be smiling When I come down the street in my brand new silver Cadillac... You should remember the story of that young shepherd who had two thousand pretty biquettes and a goat that he was always beating up. One day he woke up and there was a biquette left but the goat had turn to an XXL model. ( This is a metaphor ) So you'd better start to mark my words: the lamb soon will turn to kebab and in the name of Gagnahon I'll become worse than bad. I'll gather all your tears and wash my ass inside. It's the principle of turning tide. You'll suffer the principle of turning tide. Cadillac Fleetwood 1959 Le sommet en matiere de voiture automobile Un salon roulant au moteur 8 cylindres places en V.