8th april 1139, within the council latarin ii
The pope innocent ii, decides the anathema!
For all priest living in the sin
For all the fornicators religious

The witch hunting has began.
The edicts are enforcing
Power and pleasure can be obtained
Only by suffering of the others

I’m just a god’s servant
My wife is the mother of my child
The dawn is not a chastity sin
But the symbol of a chosen life
They have both leaved yesterday
To this inquisitive court
To this parody of trial
To this known death

“confess! confess! confess! confess!” …it will be the last heard words.
“confess! confess!” …the howls succeed to torture the most defamatory!

She will undergo “estrapade” then the “iron maiden” punishment before,
Before going from life to death in an incantatory rattle.

The witch hunting has began.
The edicts are enforcing
Power and pleasure can be obtained
Only by suffering of the others

The crime admitted, their body can’t stay entire
Dismembered, quartered, thrown as food to the crowd,
There nothing less to cry my despair’!
Nothing else but my faith, my destiny, my way, my choices