Fellow earthlings, please tell me this What planet will our children live on if we choose 2 ruin this one? This is my house This is my future This is my song Now bust it The world is dying from the outside in All of us livin' like a preacher livin' in sin Trash on trash taller than a mile When we're all livin' under it, there won't be nary a smile CHORUS: Hey, this is my house, this is my future My will be done Hey, this is my house, this is my future My children's kingdom come Your filthy water, don't pour it here Don't wanna drink, don't want the fear The air I'm breathing, it makes me cough Your hot reactor is going off (going off) And I say ... CHORUS Stop building bombs and take that money 2 build a school, huh, and teach the honeys About this planet Earth and why we need 2 take care of this land so there's food 2 feed All the babies so they grow big and strong This is my house and this is my song CHORUS And the choir sing: This is my house This is my kingdom come This is my house My future (future) (future)