What shall we do about them When they move into your neighborhood They take over but good They want you all body and soul Then it's just your body Then they go What shall we do about them What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want One of them asked me to dine Then he ate me all up Got full and then he blew me up I got big and round and lovable He saw I was immovable He got bored, went to war I got one baby, he's giving me more Once I swore I'd never give myself up What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want I know that them we are not I have loved them a lot And I have loved a lot of them You could say that I'm experienced Enough to know that they are aliens Do you keep them away, beg them to stay Say it's O.K., do it their way I used to swear I'd never give myself up What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want What shall we do about them What do they want