Carly Simon


Carly Simon

Some day I´m going to grow up
And be every man´s dream 
Some day I´m going to grow up 
And forget this sad little me 
I´m going to shine in the spotlight 
Wear sexy clothes 
Be somebody everybody wants to meet 
And no one ever really knows 
No one will ever know me 

I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 
I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 

Critics will adore me 
At least they will at first 
But you see I already know this 
So it can´t never really hurt 
And if it does, I´m an actress 
I´ll play it nonchalant 
In the total scheme of things it´s insignificant 
(sure I can take the knocks) 

Cause I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 
I´m an actress through and through 
And to my bones 

I may not be that pretty now 
But who´s the referee 
Standards of beauty 
Will be redefined because of me 

And then they´ll be the scandals 
Everywhere my name 
Men will jump from balconies 
And I´ll just shrug and take the blame
(yeah, they´ll say I died for love) 

Cause I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 
Well, I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 

My acceptance speech will be a milestone 
Never will such a star 
Have ever graced the microphone 
And of course I´ll thank my agent 
The way they always do 
Though I could have done it without him 
And that goes for the Academy too
And the makeup people and the lighting designers and everybody else 

Cause I´m an actress throughand through
And to my bones 
I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 
I´m an actress yeah, yeah, yeah 

I´ll be gracious to the lesser stars 
And generous to the unknowns 
And if another actress threatens 
My position on the throne 

Well, I don´t know exactly what I´ll do 
I don´t exactly know 
But I know that it could turn into 
One of my most poignant roles
Everyone will have their handkerchiefs out
And they´ll have to leave the theater early 
And then they´ll go home 
And what´ll they do? 
They`ll have a big glass of alcohol 

Cause I´m an actress through and through
And to my bones 
And if I make it to the top I won´t be overthrown 
I´m an actress ah, yeah, yeah