I dare you To dream a little bigger, to risk a little more Press on dear For as things keep getting harder You have to see the battle not the war For the rest of your life You'll never regret Chasing the thing that you love And maybe the crowds Won't chant your name But I'll be right here all along Saying well done They'll tell you Hold your cards a little closer Carful where you step But I say do what you love even if it scares you Even if you fall For the rest of your life You'll never regret Chasing the thing that you love And maybe the crowds Won't chant your name But I'll be right here all along Saying well done, saying well done But I say Do what you love Even if it scares you Or you'll spend your days Wondering if there's more For the rest of your life You'll never regret Chasing the thing that you love And maybe the crowds Won't chant your name But I'll be right here all along Saying well done No matter where you go No matter how long it takes I'll be Saying well done