Tom: Cm Ebm7 I wish somebody’s soul would catch on fire, To verse 1: to verse 2: Ebm/Bb Fm/C Ebdim/F Ab6/Bb Ebm7 (G Ab A Bb) (Eb D Dd C) Burning with the Ho – ly Ghost (octaves) (octaves) [Verse 1] C Db D) Ebm7 F7 Bb7 And when the day of Pentecost had fully come. They were all in one place they were all with one accord Ebm7 Ab7 Adim7 Then suddenly there came a sound like a rushing mighty wind Ebm/Bb (off quickly) Db2 Ebm And it filled all the house where they were sit – ting. [Verse 2] D Eb E) Fm7 G7 C7 Then there ap – peared unto them cloven tongues, Just like fire shut up in their bones, (Fm) Fm7 Bb7 Bdim7 Fm/C (off quickly) Eb2 Fm They were a filled with the Holy Ghost, They spoke with ither tongues as He gave utter – ance [Chorus] Fm7 Fm7 (off quickly)* C9* Fm7* I wish somebody’s soul would catch on fire, catch on fire, catch on fire Fm7 I wish somebody’s soul would catch on fire Fm/C Gm/D Fdim/G Bb6/C Fm7 (A Bb B C D Eb E) Burning with the Ho - ly Ghost. (octaves) [Bridge] Fm Gm Fm Gm Fm Gm Fm Fm (off quickly) (My soul is burning) Burn-ing, burn-ing, burn-ing with the Holy Ghost, It’s just like fire Fm7 Bb9 Fm7 B Bb9 Fm7 Bb9 Fm7 Bb9 (I feel the fire) Burn-ing, bur-ning, burn-ing, burn-ing (Holy Ghost) (F F A A Bb Bb D D Eb Eb B B C) Fm Eb Fm Burn-ing with the Ho-ly Ghost Burn-ing