Tom: A A Well, she goes struttin' down the street in her Sophisticated style. A The way she's dressed is knocking 'em wild. D The cats started gapin' til they called her out.. A Her pink pedal-pushers was knocking 'em out. D A She wears pink-pedal pushers.. E D Her pink-pedal pushers has made her the queen of A Them all. A She goes driving down the street in her brand new car. A The cats start gapin' from near and far. D She don't cause commotion till she steps outside. A The cats get hep and, ooo, man, alive. D A She's wearin' pink-pedal pushers.. E D Her pink-pedal pushers has made her the queen of A E Them all. A She D A E pedal A Pushers made her the queen of them all. A She got the number one vote at the high school hop.. A The older folks said he kinda favored her mom. D A But she's got more than mom's ever had..cause she's a rock And roll ditty with a brand new fad. D A She wears pink-pedal pushers.. E D Her pink-pedal pushers has made her the queen of A E Them all. A Yeahhh..they gave her a part in a high school play.. A And they all chose her to play the old maid. D A Curtain call had the crowd overflow..her pink pedal-pushers, They stole the show. D A She wears pink-pedal pushers.. E D Her pink-pedal pushers has made her the queen of A Them all. A D A oooooooooo..hooo-bopa-mama-dada-doodle..oooooooo.. E Yeahhhh, pink pedal-pushers have made her the queen A Of them all.