A rising, bleak dawn A blackened sunset, On the human condition A boot perpetually treads. Illumination snuffed A long shadow cast Time is a mirror Condemning to repeat the past Endtime The realms of a setting sun Twilight A new age has begun Decline Decension to a new dark age End time An old world not quite so brave Right on the edge, Of a new dark age, Right on the edge, ...on the edge of darkness A fading dusk Empty, blanketing shade A dying sun Only darkness radiates An aeon ends, A millenium overturned, Time lies in embers, As barren horizons burn End time The realms of a setting sun Twilight A new age has begun Decline Decension to a new dark age End time An old world not quite so brave Right on the edge, Of a new dark age, Right on the edge, ...on the edge of darkness Endtime The realms of a setting sun Twilight A new age has begun Decline Decension to a new dark age End time An old world not quite so brave Back on the edge, Of a new dark age, Back on the edge... Back on the edge, Of a new dark age,