If people still made mix tapes then I’d make you a mix tape I’d hide a secret meaning in the songs And I know you would get it Because you always get it You always seem to know what’s going on But people don’t make mix tapes And no one has a tape deck I know that I’m exaggerating some But it’s just not the same And I’m not afraid of change But I think that I used to have more fun In the days when I made mix tapes Now I don’t know what I can do If I want to flirt with you It used to be so simple and so cool and if you didn’t like the songs then we’d both know it was wrong and no one has to look like a fool I’d use the old type writer to type the band names and the titles and I’d put some littles notes in there too I’d draw something on the cover with some secrets to discover In the days when I made mix tapes