Captain Loot And His Sea Shanties

Sailor's Lament Sea Shanty

Captain Loot And His Sea Shanties

Gave me heart and gave 'er me soul
And on the Monday morning
She left me lone with mere of a bye, without any warning

Abandoned there and unaware
That She had then departed
Of all the ways a sailor can die
The worst is broken hearted

Offer me rhum and offer me gold
Anything to keep me' bed from cold
Marry me rich or marry me poor
Just wait for me ashore
(Just wait for him ashore)

Sail me ship into the abyss
And on a thuedsday evening
Saw the clouds all rumbling in
And all the oceans eveing

I howled it all and cursed the sky
Whilst thunder rang and lightning
And as the rain came tumbling down
I saw a thing o' frightening

Offer me rhum and offer me gold
Anything to keep me' bed from cold
Marry me rich or marry me poor
Just wait for me ashore
(Just wait for him ashore)

There asault the bow of me ship
With swords on either hand
(Kathol) araise his tentacles up
And pointed at batch on land

" Quit chasing me! He said to me
Get back to whence you came
If all ye' want 's a story to tell
Then find your lasses name "

Offer me rhum and offer me gold
Anything to keep me' bed from cold
Marry me rich or marry me poor
Just wait for me ashore
(Just wait for him ashore)