Ma theid mise tuilleadh a Leodhas nam cruimeag, Ma theid mise tuilleadh a dh'innis nam laoch, Ma theid mi ri m'bheo dh'eilean Leodhais nam morbhe Cha till mi ri 'm bheo as gun ordugh an ri gh. Mu dheireadh an t-samhraidh, 's ann thdinig mi nall as Bha'n teas orm trom, anns an am bhithinn sgith Ag iasgath an sgadain a shamhradh 's a dh'carrach 'S a Bhruaich 's arm an Sealtuinn 's an Arcarnh nan tac Bidh sgiobair a' stiuireadh 'n a chartabhas duinte 'S bidh is gu siubhlach a rusgadh nan tonn; An fhairge 'n a cabhadh mu ghnallainn an fhasgaidh 'S na glinn a dol seachad 's a hailleard a' diosq. 'Nuair theid air an fheasgar 's a ruigear am banca 'S a gheibhear le cabhaig a mach aisd na lin Guin teid sinn thar bord aist a steach do'n tigh-osda, 'S gun tarruing sinn stopa le oran math gaoil. If I ever go again to Lewis of the maidens If I ever go again to Lewis of the maidens If I ever go again to the island of heroes, If ever in this life I travel to Lewis of the highlands I shall not return unless under the King's order I left towards the end of summer The heat was exhausting and I was weary Fishing herring all spring and summer In Fraserburgh and Orkney of the The skipper steers in his canvas enclosure As she (the vessel) glides gracefully over the sea The sea swirls on the leeward side As pass the glens with the halyard crack When in the evening we reach the bank And the nets are hurriedly unloaded We go ashore and retire to the inn Where we draw and measure to the cash to accompaniment of