Don't act suspicious, he's comin' up beside the car Give him five minutes and he'll know exactly who you are License, registration he says you boys ain't goin' to far Two steps to the curb to front to the back, my friends around the corner wonderin' why we got jacked Two rollers later, our ankles are stiff Trying to remember if, tryin'... (Chorus): 6 hours strapped to a cold hard bench tryin' to escape that guilty stench of the drunk siting next to me in the cell block Hope I got enough money to get my car outa hoc I need my friends to get me outa this place When I get home I'm hide my face, my face 3 quarters down, still no luck Turns out my friends are a bunch a' stupid drunks oooh yeah (Chorus) Back to 40, outa the cage When we get home we're all gonna rage 6 months in court the judge will see Cops mistakes set me free Set me free