First time I was in Memphis, with Tenne with a ssee I was walkin' on up Main Street I meet an old friend of mine He say, "Hello there, Joe" I say, "Hello" He say, "What that you got in that suitcase?" I say, "It's a banjo" He say, "Can you play the Madison Street Rag?" I say, "No man, I don't know about the Madison Street Rag?" He says, "Fool, now whistle." I say, "Alright, whistlin' I can play." So hear he goes. Mmm-mm [whistling] I say, "Yeah man, I can play that" He say, "Come on, go down here on Madison...corner. Fulton and Madison with me" So I go on down there. We just sat on the corner. There we was down here on the corner. Right down here on the corner, now we're startin' a bowl?. Oh man, we're havin' a good time. Mmm-mm. In a few minute, here come the man with the headache stick. And you know one thing, that boy run himself off and left me. There he go, catch 'em. Mmm-mm, play it long time. Mmm-mm, aww shuck. Now ain't that the good one? Mmm-mm. Aw shuck. Mmm-mm, play it now boy. I'm gonna quit.