Death is all around me The battle rages on in the year 4020 Taken prisoner by weed overlords I fear for my life and have lost all hope of being saved They feast on our flesh Taking their revenge The screams of pain and anguish Is all I can hear surely it will drive me insane Insane insane insane insane insane!! Kill me Locked in a cage So confused and cold What horrors are awaiting? How has this become my fate? Dragged from the cage by a rusty hook through my ribcage To be hung over a flame to cook I feel my body burning Intense anguish takes hold as My organs begin melting Screaming in pain as I die The fetid odor of charred flesh fills the sky All to feed The chronic breed My smoldering corpse Devoid of all life is thrown crassly into a Giant grinder My remains made into the perfect fertilizer to feed The Sativa Queen Ancient cruel leader that gave birth to these foul pot creatures This offering Pleases their master Humans are on the menu now! Sickening bright green ooze Seeps out the eggs sacks Harvested by the slaves High grade this mucus Coveted, treated as a delicacy A holy gift to the queens addicted army Day by Day the eggs hatch with no end in sight The world is barren waste Populated with her vile spawn All life faces its extinction All to feed the chronic breed! The chronic breed Kill me Locked in a cage So confused and cold What horrors are awaiting? How has this become my fate? Dragged from the cage by a rusty hook through my ribcage To be hung over a flame to cook