I speak at frequencies dogs would have trouble hearing Canibus is the lyrical version of German engineering Raw metaphors keep you high for months Fly around the earth twice without refueling once Ain't too many categories I could fit in When it come to spittin Cuz I'm overqualified for tha position The lazer guided lyrical hybrid Creatin scripts so sick, I gotta arm wrestle my pen to write it Don't get excited cuz if I ever catch one of you motherfuckers biting We're going to be fist fighting So motherfucker what you want? I have the shotgun pumped You feel like a frog nigga, then jump. I posess the lyrical ammo to battle and rip any one of you warm blooded mammals to shambles. I'll make examples of you and eat a mouth full of your crew The type of emcee you can't outdo i'll battle you on the net I'll battle you in the flesh I'll battle you over the phone you can call me collect I'll battle you for the respect I'll battle you over the (pause) I'll battle you over a blank check I'll battle you with a gun to my neck I'll battle you standing over the toilet with my dick out i'll battle you juggling a hand grenade with the pin out In a stolen car with the fin number ripped out Drinking a Guiness Stout doing a 360 spinout. Yo yo