
Dark Harresment


I image a run arun after you 
To leave you will to the evil spirits 
Go you can burn in hell In the night of evil 
Me, your troughts wrongs 
I will incenerate your heart 
Just like father satan would have clone 
When i'll get you in my clows 
Dead, all bloody I'll trow your organs to the dogs 
Just like a father satan would have done 
Life is in sick darckness 
Your soul will be for satan 
I image a run after you 
To leave you will to the evil spirits 
So you can burn in hell,inthe night of evil 
You cries will be hard In the deep of the sadness and go 
I'll be able to joy to enjoy 
I image a run after you 
To leave you will of the evil spirits 
So you can burn in hell,in the night of evil 
Your trhoughts wrong 
I will incerenate you heart 
In an act of a dark precessence 
Just like a father satan would have done 
When i get you in my clows 
Dead and bloody Just like father satan would have done 
Life is sin,darkness Your soul will be for satan.