Candice Jarrett

Signs Of Aging

Candice Jarrett

If you carry 
Your childhood with you
You never grow old
But every wrinkle you erase 
Is a story untold

And I can't wait 
To grow old

You buy pills and creams
To make you look young
But would you trade 
The wrinkles on your face
For your years in the sun?

Some go under the knife
To erase the best years 
Of their life

Signs of Aging
It's only beautiful changing

When I'm an old lady
And I can't remember
My very first daughter's name
She's going to lean in
See the lines on my skin
And this is what 
I'm going to say

"They're from birthday 
Parties for you
Your very first bike ride
And all those times 
I'd wait up for you at night
They're from loving your father
From raising you 
And your brother
And from all those times 
I tried to loose weight
Signs of aging 
It's only beautiful changing"