Tom: Ab Album: I dunno Transcribed By: Andrew C. (steak4chicken) My Email: Squall72788@* Parts: Whole Song Missing: Nada There is only one riff in this song. It's from a Commodores song..."Easy." At the end of each riff there is a little resolution. The one I use sounds fairly good. The whole song is based on three chords: Ab, Eb, Bb It sounds best if you use power chords E|------------------------------------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------------------------------------| G|------------8-----------------------------------------------------| D|----6-------8-------8---------------------------------------------| A|----6-----6---------8----6--6--4----------------------------------| E|--4---------------6---------------4-------------------------------| In the beginning and outro there is a part where the piano plays rapid chords. All it is is Eb then Ab. Play each chord a bunch of times. E|--------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------| G|----8---------------------------------------------------------| D|----8-----6---------------------------------------------------| A|--6-------6---------------------------------------------------| E|--------4-----------------------------------------------------| And then back into the main riff "An eye for an eye leaves the world blind." - Gandhi Until next tab, Andrew