Mustard uhh behold Hahahaha A story that I rather not have told Of a mustard mayhem! I'm riding and I'm running in my sleep From mustard man He chases me 'til the last sunrise And fucks me in his mom's mini van Mustard man whoa, whoa bow down I must serve you I am on the ground Bowing to your mustard shit Lick your ass at the end of it I will march for you mustard man; ill stay true Wu, Wu when I shit, when I try to run away, mustard man whipped me with his mustard chain, And his mustard seeds pissed in my face And I bleed; Mustard… disease! You think it's hot, but try on theese jeans made of whicker, And they've got horse fleas, Mustard in my dreams. Whoa! Mustard god I'm on my knees bowing for you it's hot I feel pleasure, won't you please serve me twice tonight I need Wu, Wu Mustard seeds like I set up in my head Jam them with some sugarcane, pleasured so good and I feel the pain Wu Wu mustard makes me cry, I hate it. Suicide I'd rather die then eat mustard flies, in a bowl of shit stains, snot and die You don't know how it feels to have a girl break my heart. And rip it out, into mustard She'd rather fuck mustard, never! Mustard God, don't take away from me, the pleasure of a young girl, Who I'm gonna marry You! I've got a broken heart from a mustard girl She rocks my world, and now I'm allergic and on my knees and perverted Mustard down loads in my wrong, I need a piece of shit A log can feel my hands with mustard, Wu, Wu, I don't need that I like custard, um Mustard Marching for Mr. Mustard Urh, uh, oh, oh yeah…