What shall I say? Unto the Lord All I have to say Is thank you, Lord What shall I say? Unto my father 'Cause all I have to say Is thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord See all I have to say Is thank you, Lord For the breath in my lungs (I thank you, Lord) For the strength in my body (I thank you, Lord) You're a wonderful father to me (I thank you, Lord) From the depths of my heart, all I have to say (I thank you, Lord) What shall I say? Unto the Lord All I have to say Is thank you, Lord What shall I say Unto my father 'Cause all I have to say Is thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord See all I have to say Is thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord All I have to say Is thank you, Lord For the breath in my lungs (I thank you, Lord) For the strength in my body (I thank you, Lord) You're a wonderful father to me (I thank you, Lord) From the depths of my heart, all I have to say (I thank you, Lord)