Tryin to make a livin the best way i know how instead of ridin bulld i should have been a rodeo clown coz things were goin good for awhile then they turned around everytime i nod i get whopped out and get laid down i'm still rockin these crowds from shore to shore you better look out i'm on a bad to lay down tour leavin the rodeo no money just a fuckin black eye the boys are all in the truck yeah we're ready for a good time when we pulled up to the bar we were all drunk on crown and went out lookin for the girls who are bad to lay down i hit up this big boobed girl she was kind of shy whispered in my ear i was like oh me oh my i'm gonna give you some sympathy ass for that black eye i'm still rockin these whores from shore to shore keep your daughters in the house i'm on a bad to lay down tour i'm on a bad to lay down tour bad bad to lay down if i get the most points i'll win the trophy for sure accumulated points by the ratio that you do? whether it's bein lazy, getting wrecked out or the bitch that you screw, all is a product of layin down. coz i'm on a bad to lay down tour bad bad to lay down when i left her house her dad was like who the hell are you he had a shotgun it looked like i was fuckin screwed so i let up tryin to talk my way out of this mess then i did the only thing that i knew best i threw a right cross and i knocked his old ass on the ground he went to sleep and i knew he was bad to lay down if you didn't know now you know now for sure keep your daughter in the house i'm on a bad to lay down tour i'm on a bad to lay down tour bad bad to lay down if i get the most points i'll win the trophy for sure accumulated points by the ratio that you do whether it's bein lazy, getting wrecked out or the bitch that you screw, all is a product of layin down. coz i'm on a bad to lay down tour bad bad to lay down lay down lay on down