I will go where the dead things whisper I will go where the beasts know my name I will go where the damned things gather I will go... in shame. Nihil Inherit... odium. My bloodlines are severed With the fall... the murder... the sun... the sun. Increscunt animi, virescit volnere virtus The spirit increases... strength is restored by wounding. Von ewigkeit zu ewigkeit... Eternity opens that you may eat the flesh of Kings "And I saw the beasts, the kings of the eart, their armies... Gathered together to make war..." Rolling as a stone from the mountain... it inverts The earth shatters as from the great blow of a hammer The hammer of twilight, the hammer of death Raise your torch aloft, minion of Hell! As the bird plucks the worm We shall take the eye of Jehova... lupus in fabula Cast the rune... destiny prevails... will.