What the hell? Everything is changing, Everyone's an asshole now. Why the hell? Is this life so crappy, I don't understand how. Who the hell? Gives a rat's ass, Apathy is the key. When the hell? Will I grow out of, The selfish shit that is me. Chorus: Am I supposed to feel this way? Is this just uniform? I won't try to understand, What is the norm? I can't grasp this life now, Will this be forever, I can't stand the changes, Don't wan't changes, Don't want changes ever. What the hell? I don't get anything, It's not black and white. Why the hell? Am I filled with so much angst, I put up a fight. Who the hell? Do I have, No one's ever here. When the hell? Will I get past this stage, That I just can't deal with. Chorus: Am I supposed to feel this way? Is this just uniform? I won't try to understand, What is the norm? I can't grasp this life now, Will this be forever, I can't stand the changes, Don't wan't changes x4 What the hell? Doesn't make any sense. Why the hell? Explain the absense. Who the hell? Is ever there. When the hell? Will I care? Chorus: Am I supposed to feel this way? Is this just uniform? I won't try to understand, What is the norm? I can't grasp this life now, Will this be forever, I can't stand the changes, Fuck it all.