"Li'l Doggies Take the time to hear me out I'll tell you a fantasy. People living on the moon Isn't that a travesty? Day and Night Still they bitch and moan Black and White Should they all get stoned? Alone. On bended knee we take a vow Why does that sound so perverse? Kill the homeless, rape the Earth... C'mon, you wouldn't be the first. CHORUS Git' along li'l doggies git along. Git along li'l doggies hear my song. Git along li'l doggies git a clue. Li'l doggies i f**kin' h8 U. Or maybe I like U. Met nobody like U. Day and Night Should they need to phone Black and White E.T. must go home from this twilight zone nobody likes his toes broken all his wish bones rather be alone, yeah.Li'l Doggies