...we can work it out ...we can work this out Earth to me, earth to you I know you enjoy the view a simple disconnection a fish-eyed perception underwater, hypmotized We cannot stay, we have to rise, or fall from space get back in your place or is this my place? We can work it out make the best of time and space We can work it out talk about it face to face Smith & Wesson just in case Every time I look around I see your face is smiling down.. at my ignorance of your defense or perhaps it's my intelligence Time to find some common ground before we let our walls come down and there's no trace of trust behind your face.... We can work it out make the best of time and space We can work it out talk about it face to face Smith & Wesson just in case we can't work this out We're running out of time running out of good nature Let's make a compromise before I learn to hate ya' cut me down to size - this 2:1 ratio it's a game show, let me tell ya', better fuckin' tell the truth We can work this out talk about it face to face We can work this out make the best of time and space We can work this out Smith & Wesson just in case we can make an intelligent compomise We can work this out it's the waiting that brings me down to common ground We can work this out earth to me earth to you We can work this out is the waiting that brings me down to common ground