High above the valley of Quito An old man and his bride grow roses Red and yellow, white and golden, To him they are precious as children Their daughter, she moved to America One more break in the Tower of Babel She has a son that they've never seen at all They're praying that they raised her well CHORUS On the mountain high They will live and die As time just slips away And the children grow In the God they know As time just slips away A man, his bride, his children, and his roses Planted in faith And watered in tears Honey, that's all they have And they're happier here Than any of my friends back home They met Jesus and they really know Him CHORUS Now I'm back at home All alone And I'm trying to find my thoughts Of that old man so inspiring And the TV's always on And the phone, it won't stop ringing These bills, they keep on screaming I'm paying for the things We never really need Wonder what he's doing right now? Maybe walking through his simple field Thinking about how God has blessed him so A man, his bride, his children, and his roses CHORUS (2x)