
Need for Greed


Need for greed. Greed as - need.

When the fear will change - into an orgasm of wealth.
It becomes a lust for a bigger need. The need for greed.
It's for real when you see the bleeding. Greed as need
Now you feel so complete

The knowledge is so great, that your acts seek a bigger need.

When the fear will change - into an orgasm of wealth.
It becomes a lust for a bigger need. The need for greed.
It's for real when you see the bleeding. Greed as need
Now you feel so complete

The knowledge is so great, that your acts seek a bigger need.

The need for greed!!
The greed grows stronger.
Beyond all your demands,
There is no way it's going to end.
Going to the end.

Indefeasible suction into another level.
Your grey masses all agree.
The old evolution, to intercept others, who are free.

Take what you want!
The need for greed!
To satisfy yourself.
You can't see,
what you need to be free.
It's always another to blame!

People suffocate while you succeed.
Do you have the right,
to claim what is mine?!
Society becomes pulp.
We are all to blame.
We take more then we need.

It's the sickness of greed!!

When the fear will change - into an orgasm of wealth.
It becomes a lust for a bigger need. The need for greed.
It's for real when you see the bleeding. Greed as need
Now you feel so complete

The knowledge is so great, that your acts seek a bigger need.

Need - greed - need - greed.

People suffocate while you succeed.
Do you have the right,
to claim what is mine?!

Need for greed!