Skulls like crossbones, boneheads and barelimbs A spare grim when i tear the heir apparent Daring to be truthful, but with winners with no scruples Using the useful lights that would suit his pupils Looking at suitable samples a chance be sold I'm not illin, killin or chillin on lamping cold I'm rational even when i'm slashing your nose They think it i'll snatch your nose quick On a pass with show flicks I'm just pass with flow shit No diss like your progress, i know best You can role a script without blown test I notice they no this is no diss Just showmanship on my programs Which i had a dream in which i wished i had my hands raised To my place in complacency at the manblades Memory vague, but the scene resembled a police raid Dance devil, dance grim Fandango fade Yo i come through your hood with a sick demeanor Cause i got thick skin like myxedema And on it is an anthem of a movement of the greatest of speech Princely park to save in his cheek, raising you bleak This is bunker rap, punks react Put screens when the the thunder claps Fuck knowing i rap truth, well-versed in a ledge Punchlines smack you gap-toothed like percy sledge As the fluid movement knowing i kinda do it If you do 3 life truants 1 translucent, i'll bust A capillary and bust another one above that And i'll cop one of your late records Yes, i'm fucking with that, i see you bumping with gats I'm slapping you wrists, amble your shit, student I'm the master of diss I tote a smoking gun and hope that cancer sticks So a star was born, now you have no ass to risk I flew a delta kappa rapper in you mouth reticle I might as well keep it all alphabetical If you are what you eat, and i am what she eats That makes me a chicken and her a consumer, believe me And if icu and ubc then i c seein and i see you And i know you don't wanna twirl with bars Cause if you and i verse we'll end up worlds apart I got one love for twenty-two 2's with scene flow Change the station with amazing grace, they call me "free-throw" It ain't foreplay for banisters to doorway A whore say "play four" while i say "foreplay" Damn right i fuck fans, and i rush up live ringers Meaning i fuck-up fans, get punched by five fingers Line splitters, catch d.a.k day tripper A six shooter who does seven sins To make eight figures.