Cadaverous Condition

We Knew They Were Coming

Cadaverous Condition

Here’s the house that held the good life
Here’s the house that held the nightmare that went on

The damage done by strangers, as foretold
I curse you, I hate you, we despise your arrival

Here’s the place that held all things true
A shelter from the norm in this grey valley of time

The damage done to strangers, as expected
The tide comes in, savage, like waves of concrete

All those caged birds here to rule us, desperate
We knew they were coming
This is the nothing they all bring, the emptiness
We knew it was coming
Ugly cities and dead small towns, wastelands
We knew they were coming

Like flies, like bees, like fire surrounding everything beautiful
Reach out to the night sky, but the moon hates you

And I hate you so much, retaliation
We knew they were coming
A different salt in their blood, and we knew, we just knew
We knew they were coming

Here’s the house that held the nightmare that went on