Many shit signs flash More televisions Brain-sick illusions Human beings killing each other On the screen Proud politicians Lying through the cables Everybody gets a channel But now I see You can't shit on me Don't take my hand I'm not your puppet in your dirty game This is your shame You foolish people I'm not your fellow! Atrophy of the mind The mind is impressionable Low sense believes what he wants Like wood in a fire, he burns away Open your eyes! Send off your delusions! See the light! Betray the secret lie! The mind is impressionable Low sense believes what he wants Like wood in a fire, he burns away This is the end of sanity A mindless crowd of people " Two things are infinite, the Universe and Human stupitidy" But how? Too many fucking heroes! They settle for the reasons They just follow every order But now I see You can't shit on me Don't take my hand I'm not your puppet in your dirty game This is your shame You foolish people