Cabin Crew

A Case For Life

Cabin Crew

As you went to sleep tonight 
Another notch in the headboard of life 
Action, reaction, condition, decision, 
the easiest way to put an ending to your strife 
Consequence burned conscience 
delivered and signed for by a life 
manufactured, destroyed. 
Scarred from death, memories left, 
cause and effect, unchangeable, emotional, 
regrettable, eternal case for life. 
Case for life, a self centered way out. 
Unwanted responsibility. 
Holocaust, and we're desensitized. 
No other decision has claimed so many lives. 
And I take this stand against your fight 
to be called a fanatic and weak for being pro-life. 
For being crazy for wanting to save a life of a friend 
or a wife that could friend, my friend 
and not just a piece of human waste that to you 
was just a mistake. And I'm insane?