He didn't like to jostle in the light Finding it much soother in the night With his face as pale as pancakes And his posture in rebellion with his height He was raised to respect Father he was loving to his Ma Being kind to all the children and the animals he saw In his youth he looked at Jacko with gleaming admiration Moonwalking through the gardens of his Disneyland Vacation Then he took a pallid mask and he glued it to his face And it gave him the temerity to join the human race He stood like great Ulysses with guitar in his hand Pledging to deflate the cynical that plague the glory land Buckethead And the people came to know him as a man of noble cause Ignoring eccentricities and interactive flaws the ones That knew him best were the ones that called him kind Clueless to the depth of his complicated mind But when he takes a pallid mask and he glues it to his face It gives him the temerity to join the human race Standing up like great Ulysses with guitar in his hand Pledging to deflate the cynical that plague the glory land Buckethead