Byron G. Harlan

They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'

Byron G. Harlan

Once Me, Lem Briggs an' ol' Bill Brown
Took a load of corn to town
And old Jim dawg, the ornery cuss
He just naturally follered us

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun'
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'

As we driv' past Sam Johnson's store
Passel of yaps came out the door
When Jim he stops to smell a box
They shied at him a bunch of rocks

Get outta thar' you Jim houn'!

Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'

They tied a tin can to his tail
An' run him a-past the county jail
And that plum naturally makes me sore
And Lem he cussed, an' Bill he swore

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun'
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'

Me, Lem Briggs an' ol' Bill Brown
We lost no time in a-jumpin' down
And we wiped them ducks up on the ground
For kickin' my old dawg around

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun'
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'

Folks say a dog can't hold no grudge
But once when I got too much budge
Them town ducks tried to do me up
But they didn't count on old Jim pup

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun'
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun'

Jim see'd his duty thar' an' then
And he lit into them gentlemen
And he shore mussed up the courthouse squa'r (square)
With rags an' meat an' hide an' ha'r (hair)

Ev'ry time I come to town
The boys keep kickin' my dawg aroun'
Makes no diff'rence if he is a houn'
They gotta quit kickin' my dawg aroun